Behavioural addictions involve compulsive engagement in activities that provide short-term pleasure but have negative consequences in the long run.

Behavioural addictions, also known as process addictions, refer to compulsive behaviours that provide gratification or escape but can lead to serious negative consequences.

The most common behavioural addictions include (but are not limited to):

  • Gambling addiction

  • Internet addiction

  • Video game addiction

  • Shopping addiction

  • Sex and love addiction

  • Food addiction (including binge eating, bulimia and anorexia)

  • Exercise addiction

  • Work addiction

  • Social media addiction

  • Pornography addiction

Each of these addictions involves an inability to resist impulses to engage in behaviours that are excessive and ultimately harmful to the individual’s well-being.

Treating behavioural addictions holistically considers various aspects of an individual’s life. Below is a holistic perspective on behavioural addictions and their treatment.

Holistic treatment for behavioural addictions recognises the need to address mental, emotional, social and physical aspects of an individual’s life.

By incorporating various therapeutic approaches and lifestyle changes, the goal is to foster a balanced and fulfilling life without relying on harmful behaviours.


To discover more about our comprehensive treatment programs, simply request a brochure and we’ll email it to you.