Gambling addiction is a persistent and recurrent problematic gambling behaviour leading to significant impairment or distress. It is a pattern of gambling that disrupts personal, family or vocational pursuits.

The prevalence of gambling problems in Australia indicates that this form of addiction is not an isolated issue. If you are facing this challenge, know that you’re not alone and tailored support is available.

At Savasana, we offer a comprehensive treatment approach to gambling addiction that encompasses physical, psychological and social recovery aspects to restore balance and control in our clients’ lives.


Holistic treatment for gambling addiction at Savasana acknowledges the intricate web of factors that contribute to this condition.

By integrating therapeutic interventions with lifestyle enhancements, we aim to restore balance and empower individuals to make choices that lead to a fulfilling life, free from the compulsion to gamble.


To discover more about our comprehensive treatment programs, simply request a brochure and we’ll email it to you.