Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are conditions resulting from a traumatic event, characterised by intense, disturbing thoughts and feelings related to the experience.

Recognising the widespread impact of trauma in Australia, we can assure those affected that they are not facing this alone.

Savasana’s holistic approach to treating trauma and PTSD focuses on healing the whole person. We provide a safe, supportive space for individuals to process their experiences and develop coping strategies for a healthier, balanced life.

Our holistic treatment for trauma and PTSD recognises the profound impact traumatic experiences have on an individual’s entire being.

Savasana provides a nurturing environment where therapeutic practices and supportive lifestyle changes work in harmony, allowing for healing and the reclamation of a sense of safety and well-being.


To discover more about our comprehensive treatment programs, simply request a brochure and we’ll email it to you.